KARUN Cone Flour, is special soft wheat flour produced for cone applications. It decreases production waste by covering molds well and preventing overflows because of its optimum batter fluidity. KARUN Flour's consistency makes the production easier and gives stable end products. KARUN Cone Flour has high performance on ice cream cones.
General Properties :
Typical taste and odor for wheat flour
Free flowing fine powder
Unbleached and non-chlorinated
GMO Free
Fine granulation
Optimum protein level
Halal and Kosher certified
Functionalities :
Providing smooth and clean mouthfeel
Improving texture and crunchy structure
Preventing cracking while baking and cooling
Covering mold better
Creating stable sheet thickness
Applications :
Get water and other liquid ingredients to mixer
While mixer is working, add Cone Flour slowly for good dispersion
We are the solution provider for flour and flour based production with our natural and innovative products
With our wide range of products, including cleaned whole wheat, wheat flours, heat treated ( dried ) flours, pregelatinized flours and imporvers, we provide standart and custom tailored solutions